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Faculty of Engineering Science

Ecological Resource Technology – Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christoph Helbig

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Prof. Christoph Helbig

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christoph Helbig

Professor of Ecological Resource Technology

Office: FAN C.2.31
Phone: +49(0)921 55-7540
E-Mail: christoph.helbig@uni-bayreuth.de

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Virginia Leineweber

Team Assistant

Office: FAN C.2.29
Phone: +49(0)921 55-7541
E-Mail: virginia.leineweber@uni-bayreuth.de

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Thomas Schraml

Thomas Schraml

Software Developer

Büro: FAN C.2.29
Tel.: +49(0)921 55-7545
E-Mail: thomas.schraml@uni-bayreuth.de

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Afsoon Mansouri-Aski

Afsoon Mansouri Aski

Reserach Associate
Research project: Life Cycle Assessment of Metals on global scale

Office: FAN C.2.30
Phone: +49(0)921 55-7543
E-Mail: afsoon.mansouri-aski@uni-bayreuth.de

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Martin Hillenbrand

Martin Hillenbrand

Research Associate, DFG Project Circularity 3, GOCART
Research project:
Identification and assessment of critical processes in the circular economy of metals

Office: FAN C.2.30
Phone: +49(0)921 55-7542
E-Mail: martin.hillenbrand@uni-bayreuth.de

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Babatunde Omojola

Research Associate
Research project: Sustainable Material Flows for Lithium-Ion Batteries &Post-Lithium Batteries

Office: FAN C.2.30
Phone: +49(0)921 55-7544
E-Mail: babatunde.omojola@uni-bayreuth.de

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Merve Erakca

Merve Erakca

external PhD student
Research project: Energy and material flow-based prospective life cycle assessment of novel battery technologies: from laboratory and industrial scale

E-Mail: oert@uni-bayreuth.de

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Alexandra Belyaeva

Aleksandra Belyaeva

external PhD student
Research project: Development of a prospective LCA methodology for an economic design of sustainable products

E-Mail: oert@uni-bayreuth.de

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Riccarda Hieke

Riccarda Hieke

Student Assistent/ Masterandin

Büro: FAN C.2.28
Tel.: +49(0)921 55-7541
E-Mail: oert@uni-bayreuth.de

Student Assistents

Dummybild Mitarbeiterin Universität Bayreuth

Mary Dora Kamara

Student Assistent COCART Project
Office: FAN C.2.28
Phone.: +49(0)921 55-7541
E-Mail: oert@uni-bayreuth.de

Former Employees

Daniela Jahreiß

Webmaster: Prof. Dr. Ing. Christoph Helbig

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